102 lines
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This repository is (part of) my work for the ``Arquitecturas de Elevado
Desempenho'' class. See the doc/proposal.pdf document for more information on
the problem statement.
[[Project Structure]]
├ aux Auxiliary scripts.
├ contrib External C libraries.
├ data Data for use as input or embedding in source.
├ doc Extra documentation related to the project.
├ includes Header files.
├ obj Compiled object files.
└ src Root project source files.
The directory is essentially a C project, with auxiliary documentation and
scripts. The main executable can be compiled by running the corresponding
[sane] recipe:
python3 link
This will produce a DEBUG [main.debug.exe] executable in the root directory.
If a RELEASE environment variable is set, a RELEASE [main.release.exe]
executable is produced instead, i.e., to produce a release executable, run:
RELEASE=1 python3 link
See all available recipes by running
python3 --list
and read more about [sane]: at
[[Use Instructions]]
To use, pipe the input (structured according to the source specification) into
the executable, while specifying the number of outputs and inputs, in that
order, followed by a bin size (see the following section for details on the
meaning of the bin size). E.g.,
./main.release.exe 2 2 2 2 48 < data/2222_inq.txt
[[Notes on the Approach Taken]]
Originally, pairs were straightforwardly compared. This was too slow to tackle
even, for example [data/3332_inq.txt]. (Cf. [data/README].) So, instead, I'm now
trying a divide-and-conquer approach, now explained.
Consider the input to be N lines. From the ground truths, we know that the
number of non-equivalent rows, which we will denote k, is such that k << N.
So consider a subset of L lines (k << L < N). Without loss of generality, take
N/L to be an integer. For each subset L, at most k lines are non-equivalent.
We consider a "reduction" within each block, and then comparisons across
blocks: if there are P permutations to be considered (see [doc/proposal.pdf]
for details) this means, worst-case scenario, less than
(N/L)L²P + (N/2L)k²P + (N/4L)k²P + ... + (N/L)/2^log(N/L) k²P
= (N/L)L²P + (N/L)k²P(1 - L/N)
= NP[L + k²/L (1 - L/N)] (1)
operations. Compare this with the "straightforward" mode of operation, where
N²P (2)
operations are required. Clearly, the divide-and-conquer approach has an
advantage as long as the term in square brackets in (1) is significantly smaller
than N.
In pseudo-code:
block_size is provided
unique := []
sizes := []
base round:
# distribute loop
for block of rows of size block_size:
local_unique := unique rows in local block
push local_unique to unique
push len(local_unique) to sizes
while len(sizes) > 1:
unique' := []
sizes' := []
# distribute loop
for pair of blocks in (unique, sizes): # Odd ones out are ignored
local := concatenation of pair of blocks
local_unique = unique rows in local
push local_unique to unique'
push len(local_unique) to sizes'
unique := unique'
sizes := sizes'