use argh::FromArgs; use async_object_pool::Pool; use core::panic; use rand::prelude::*; use redis::Commands; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use std::{collections::BTreeSet, net::IpAddr, path::PathBuf, str::FromStr, sync::Arc}; use tokio::sync; use validators::prelude::*; use warp::{filters::BoxedFilter, http::Response, hyper::StatusCode, Filter}; macro_rules! clone { (mut $y:ident) => { let mut $y = $y.clone(); }; ($y:ident) => { let $y = $y.clone(); }; ($y:ident, $($x:ident),+) => { clone!($y); clone!($($x),+); }; } #[cfg(debug_assertions)] macro_rules! debuginfo { ($log:literal) => { $log }; ($log:literal,$alt:literal) => { $log }; } #[cfg(not(debug_assertions))] macro_rules! debuginfo { ($log:literal) => { "Internal error." }; ($log:literal,$alt:literal) => { $alt }; } #[cfg(debug_assertions)] macro_rules! ifdbg { ($expr:expr) => { $expr; }; } #[cfg(not(debug_assertions))] macro_rules! ifdbg { ($expr:expr) => { () }; } #[derive(Validator)] #[validator(http_url(local(Allow)))] #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub struct HttpUrl { url: validators::url::Url, is_https: bool, } impl std::fmt::Display for HttpUrl { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut validators_prelude::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { self.url.fmt(f) } } #[derive(Deserialize, Serialize, Debug, Clone)] struct DbConfig { address: String, expire_seconds: usize, } impl Default for DbConfig { fn default() -> Self { Self { address: "redis://".to_string(), expire_seconds: 259200, // 3 days } } } #[derive(Deserialize, Serialize, Debug, Clone)] pub struct SlugRules { pub length: usize, pub chars: String, } impl Default for SlugRules { fn default() -> Self { Self { length: 5, chars: "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789_-".to_string(), } } } #[derive(Deserialize, Serialize, Debug, Clone)] pub enum ServeDirRules { File(PathBuf), Dir(PathBuf), } impl ServeDirRules { pub fn to_filter(&self) -> BoxedFilter<(warp::fs::File,)> { match self { ServeDirRules::File(file) => warp::fs::file(file.clone()).boxed(), ServeDirRules::Dir(dir) => warp::fs::dir(dir.clone()).boxed(), } } } impl Default for ServeDirRules { fn default() -> Self { ServeDirRules::Dir(PathBuf::from_str("/etc/lonk/served").unwrap()) } } #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, Validator, Clone)] #[validator(ip(local(Allow), port(Must)))] struct ServeAddr { ip: IpAddr, port: u16, } impl Default for ServeAddr { fn default() -> Self { Self { ip: [127, 0, 0, 1].into(), port: 8080, } } } #[derive(Deserialize, Serialize, Debug, Clone)] struct ServeRules { dir: ServeDirRules, addr: ServeAddr, } impl Default for ServeRules { fn default() -> Self { Self { dir: Default::default(), addr: ServeAddr::default(), } } } #[derive(Deserialize, Serialize, Debug, Clone)] struct Config { pub db: DbConfig, pub slug_rules: SlugRules, pub serve_rules: ServeRules, } impl Default for Config { fn default() -> Self { Self { db: Default::default(), slug_rules: Default::default(), serve_rules: Default::default(), } } } #[derive(Debug)] struct SlugDatabase { tx: sync::mpsc::UnboundedSender, } #[derive(Clone, Debug)] enum AddResult { Success(Slug), Fail, } #[derive(Clone, Debug)] enum GetResult { Found(HttpUrl), NotFound, InternalError, } enum SlugDbMessage { Add(Slug, HttpUrl, sync::oneshot::Sender), Get(Slug, sync::oneshot::Sender), } impl core::fmt::Debug for SlugDbMessage { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut validators_prelude::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { match self { Self::Add(arg0, arg1, _) => f .debug_tuple("Add") .field(arg0) .field(arg1) .field(&"oneshot::Sender") .finish(), SlugDbMessage::Get(arg0, _) => f .debug_tuple("Get") .field(arg0) .field(&"oneshot::Sender") .finish(), } } } impl SlugDatabase { fn from_client(client: redis::Client, expire_seconds: usize) -> Self { let (tx, mut rx) = sync::mpsc::unbounded_channel::(); tokio::spawn(async move { let pool = Arc::new(sync::Mutex::new(Pool::new(100))); while let Some(msg) = { rx.recv().await } { let mut connection = { (*pool.lock().await) .take_or_create(|| { client .get_connection() .expect("Could not open connection to Redis server.") }) .await }; let pool = pool.clone(); tokio::spawn(async move { match msg { SlugDbMessage::Add(requested_slug, url, response_channel) => { let url_str = url.to_string(); // Check that the URL is not already present in the DB // This is, to some extent, a protection against collision attacks. match connection .get::>(format!("url:{}", url_str)) { Ok(Some(slug)) => { // The URL was already present, just return that. response_channel.send(AddResult::Success(Slug(slug))).ok(); return; } Err(err) => { response_channel.send(AddResult::Fail).ok(); ifdbg!(eprintln!("{}", err)); return; } _ => {} // Ok(None); continue with insertion }; // The URL is not present in the database; insert it. let add_result = connection.set_ex::( format!("slug:{}", requested_slug.0), url_str.clone(), expire_seconds, ); if add_result.is_ok() { connection .set_ex::( format!("url:{}", url_str), requested_slug.0.clone(), expire_seconds, ) .ok(); // If this failed we have no way of correcting for it. } response_channel .send(match add_result { Ok(_) => AddResult::Success(requested_slug), Err(err) => { ifdbg!(eprintln!("{}", err)); AddResult::Fail } }) .ok(); // If the receiver has hung up there's nothing we can do. } SlugDbMessage::Get(slug, response_channel) => { let result: Result, _> = connection.get(format!("slug:{}", slug.0)); match result { Ok(Some(url)) => response_channel.send(GetResult::Found( HttpUrl::parse_string(url) .expect("Mismatched URL in the database."), )), Ok(None) => response_channel.send(GetResult::NotFound), Err(err) => { ifdbg!(eprintln!("{}", err)); response_channel.send(GetResult::InternalError) } } .ok(); // If the receiver has hung up there's nothing we can do. } } (*pool.lock().await).put(connection).await; }); } }); SlugDatabase { tx } } fn insert_slug( &self, requested_slug: Slug, url: HttpUrl, ) -> sync::oneshot::Receiver { let (tx, rx) = sync::oneshot::channel(); self.tx .send(SlugDbMessage::Add(requested_slug, url, tx)) .expect("The SlugDbMessage channel is unexpectedly closed."); rx } async fn get_slug(&self, slug: Slug) -> Result, ()> { let (tx, rx) = sync::oneshot::channel(); self.tx .send(SlugDbMessage::Get(slug, tx)) .expect("The SlugDbMessage channel is unexpectedly closed."); match rx .await .expect("The query channel was unexpectedly dropped.") { GetResult::Found(url) => Ok(Some(url)), GetResult::NotFound => Ok(None), GetResult::InternalError => Err(()), } } } struct SlugFactory { slug_length: usize, slug_chars: BTreeSet, slug_chars_indexable: Vec, } #[derive(Clone, Debug)] struct Slug(String); enum InvalidSlug { TooLong, BadChar, } impl SlugFactory { fn from_rules(rules: SlugRules) -> Self { let mut slug_chars = BTreeSet::::new(); slug_chars.extend(rules.chars.chars()); SlugFactory { slug_length: rules.length, slug_chars, slug_chars_indexable: rules.chars.chars().collect(), } } fn parse_str(&self, s: &str) -> Result { for (i, char) in s.chars().enumerate() { if i >= self.slug_length { return Err(InvalidSlug::TooLong); } if !self.slug_chars.contains(&char) { return Err(InvalidSlug::BadChar); } } Ok(Slug(s.to_string())) } fn generate(&self) -> Slug { // Generate indices then map let distribution = rand::distributions::Uniform::new(0, self.slug_chars_indexable.len()); let slug_str = distribution .sample_iter(rand::thread_rng()) .take(self.slug_length) .map(|i| self.slug_chars_indexable[i]) .collect::(); Slug(slug_str) } } async fn shorten( slug_factory: &SlugFactory, db: &SlugDatabase, b64str: &str, ) -> Result { let url = { let unencoded_bytes = base64::decode_config(b64str, base64::URL_SAFE_NO_PAD).map_err(|_| { ( warp::http::StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST, debuginfo!("Could not decode base64 str.", "Invalid URL Base64.").into(), ) })?; let url_str = std::str::from_utf8(&unencoded_bytes[..]).map_err(|_| { ( warp::http::StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST, debuginfo!( "Parsed bytes of base64 str, but could not decode as UTF8.", "Invalid URL Base64." ) .into(), ) })?; HttpUrl::parse_str(url_str) .map_err(|_| (warp::http::StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST, "Invalid URL.".into()))? }; let new_slug = slug_factory.generate(); let insert_result = db.insert_slug(new_slug, url).await; match insert_result { Ok(result) => match result { AddResult::Success(slug) => Ok(slug), AddResult::Fail => Err(( warp::http::StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, debuginfo!("Got insertion response, but it was error.").into(), )), }, Err(e) => { ifdbg!(eprintln!("{}", e)); Err(( warp::http::StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, debuginfo!("Receiver error on response of slug insertion.").into(), )) } } } async fn insert_slug( b64str: &str, slug_factory: &SlugFactory, db: &SlugDatabase, ) -> Response { match shorten(&slug_factory, &db, b64str).await { Ok(slug) => Response::builder().body(format!("{}", slug.0)).unwrap(), Err((status, message)) => Response::builder().status(status).body(message).unwrap(), } } #[tokio::main] async fn serve() { // Read configuration let config: Config = { let config_file_name = std::env::var("LONK_CONFIG").unwrap_or("lonk.json".to_string()); let config_file = std::fs::File::open(config_file_name.clone()).unwrap_or_else(|err| { match err.kind() { std::io::ErrorKind::NotFound => { panic!("Configuration file {} does not exist.", config_file_name) } std::io::ErrorKind::PermissionDenied => { panic!("Read permission to {} was denied.", config_file_name) } _ => panic!( "Error when trying to read configuration file {}: {}", config_file_name, err ), }; }); let config_buf = std::io::BufReader::new(config_file); serde_json::from_reader(config_buf).unwrap_or_else(|err| match err.classify() { serde_json::error::Category::Io => panic!("IO error when reading configuration file."), serde_json::error::Category::Syntax => panic!( "Configuration file is syntactically incorrect. See {}:line {}, column {}.", &config_file_name, err.line(), err.column() ), serde_json::error::Category::Data => panic!( "Error deserializing configuration file; expected different data type. See {}:line {}, column {}.", &config_file_name, err.line(), err.column() ), serde_json::error::Category::Eof => { panic!("Unexpected end of file when reading configuration file.") } }) }; // Create slug factory let slug_factory = SlugFactory::from_rules(config.slug_rules); // Initialize database let db = { let client = redis::Client::open(config.db.address).expect("Error opening Redis database."); SlugDatabase::from_client(client, config.db.expire_seconds) }; // We leak the slug factory and the database, because we know that these // will live forever, and want them to have 'static lifetime so that warp is // happy. let slug_factory: &'static SlugFactory = Box::leak(Box::new(slug_factory)); let db: &'static SlugDatabase = Box::leak(Box::new(db)); // GET / let homepage = warp::path::end().and(config.serve_rules.dir.to_filter()); // POST /shorten/ with argument link:Base64WithoutPaddingUrl let shorten = warp::post() .and(warp::path("shorten")) .and(warp::body::content_length_limit(1024)) .and(warp::body::bytes()) .then(move |body: warp::hyper::body::Bytes| async move { let b64str = std::str::from_utf8(&body[..]); if b64str.is_err() { return Response::builder() .status(warp::http::StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST) .body(String::new()) .unwrap(); } insert_slug(b64str.unwrap(), slug_factory, db).await }); // GET /l/:Slug let link = warp::path("l") .and(warp::path::param()) .map(|slug: String| warp::reply()); let get_routes = warp::get().and(homepage.or(link)); let post_routes = warp::post().and(shorten); let routes = get_routes.or(post_routes); println!( "Now serving lonk at IP {}, port {}!", config.serve_rules.addr.ip, config.serve_rules.addr.port ); warp::serve(routes) .run((config.serve_rules.addr.ip, config.serve_rules.addr.port)) .await; unreachable!("The warp server runs forever.") } #[derive(FromArgs, PartialEq, Debug)] /// Start lonk. struct Run { /// write a default configuration to stdout and quit #[argh(switch)] print_default_config: bool, } fn main() { let run = argh::from_env::(); if run.print_default_config { println!( "{}", serde_json::to_string_pretty(&Config::default()) .expect("Default configuration should always be JSON serializable") ); } else { serve(); } }